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  5. Everything You Need To Know About Anti Dandruff Hair Oils

Is dandruff one of your biggest hair concerns? Worry not, oiling your scalp and hair can put an end to those tiny white flakes on your scalp. Wondering how?

Oiling your hair using hair oils well-suited for your hair and scalp helps in effectively managing your dandruff problems. While most of us think that using hair oil may aggravate dandruff, Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix, explains, “The problems of oiling a dandruff infected scalp arises when it is done using unsuitable hair oil and following improper oiling techniques. So, it’s all about which oil you use when you have dandruff, rather than the oiling regimen itself. In reality, hair oils with the right herbal formulations can help you control dandruff for a longer time.”

In this article, we tell you more about different anti-dandruff hair oil ingredients and remedies, and the right way to oil your hair for fighting off dandruff.

What Is So Bad About Dandruff?

As per Ayurveda, any ailment in your body is the result of an imbalance occurring in your doshas levels. Similar to your other organs, the tridoshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha have predominant control on your scalp and hair health.

When you have derangement in Vata, it leads to excessive dryness of your scalp tissue, resulting in over shedding of your scalp’s skin in the form of flaky dandruff. Increased Pitta levels can worsen the condition by contributing to smelly secretions causing greasiness and scalp irritation. This happens when you have a dry scalp with dandruff. However, an oily scalp with greasy dandruff indicates imbalanced Kapha dosha, which causes unreasonable sebum production in your scalp tissues[1].

“If the dandruff condition is not addressed by bringing your vitiated doshas to a balanced state, it may lead to a variety of fungal and bacterial growth on your scalp. This can cause severe hair fall due to damage in your hair follicles, eventually leading to permanent hair loss,” says Dr. Zeel.

About more than 50% of the adult population gets affected by oily dandruff. It is more severe during adolescence and early 20s. It becomes less prevalent in old age above 50 yrs.

Should You Oil Your Hair If You Have Dandruff?

When you have elevated Kapha levels on your scalp, oiling your hair with heavy oils such as coconut oil would further clog your hair follicles, besides trapping unwanted dust from the environment. Hence, people with increased Kapha dosha should opt for lighter oils.

On the other hand, if you have elevated Vata dosha, avoiding hair oil increases dryness on your scalp, which further triggers your skin to produce more dandruff. Oiling your scalp is necessary to calm down your elevated Pitta levels. Also, massaging your scalp with oil enhances blood circulation [2] that helps in carrying all the necessary nutrients to your follicles for healthy hair growth.

Hence, before oiling your hair, it is very crucial to understand the current state of your tridoshas. Ayurveda suggests choosing anti-dandruff hair oil with dosha-specific ingredients that can bring your imbalanced doshas to harmony. The anti-dandruff hair oils also have properties to fight off microbial infections on your scalp.

Which Oil Is Best For Dandruff?

1. Ayurvedic Oils

A. Bhringaraja Taila

Bhringraj oil is best to pacify elevated Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. It is quite effective to rejuvenate your damaged scalp by controlling dandruff. Also, it relieves you from itchy scalp. To control excessive Pitta dosha, you can use bhringraj oil which also includes cooling herbs such as yashtimadhu (licorice), japa (hibiscus), shatavari (wild asparagus), kamala(lotus), etc.

B. Triphaladi Taila

Triphala includes three powerful herbs such as amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki. It is a tridosha hara, which balances all the three doshas. Triphala oil is best known for its antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you combat dandruff effectively. Also, it restores your scalp’s pH and helps you maintain healthy scalp and hair.

C. Dhurdhurapatradi Taila

Dhurdhurapatradi oil is an Ayurvedic formulation made of datura metel extracts [3] and cold-pressed sesame oil. It helps in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas on your scalp. Besides treating your dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair fall problems, dhurdhurapatradi oil aids you in strengthening hair roots and promotes voluminous hair growth.

D. Chemparuthyadi Taila

Chemparuthyadi oil is one of the most commonly used traditional treatments for scalp itchiness and dandruff. It balances Pitta and Kapha doshas on your scalp. This coconut oil-based Ayurvedic formulation includes potential ingredients such japa (hibiscus), vilwa patra (Aegle marmelos), tulsi (basil), nagavalli(betel leaf), tamalaki( Phyllanthus niruri), etc. which not only prevents dandruff formation but also helps in combating scalp conditions such as scabies, pruritus, and eczema.

E. Malatyadi Tailam

Malatyadi oil helps in reducing scalp flaking caused by dandruff, greasiness, and intense itching, especially in Kapha type dandruff (oily dandruff). It is formulated using the extracts of malati leaves (jasminum grandiflorum), kaner root(nerium indicum), karanja(pongamia pinnata), and chitrak root(plumbago zeylanica) infused in sesame oil. Malatyadi oil shows best results in conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis and also helps to reduce your scalp smell.

2. Essential Oils

bottles of essential oils with herbs

A. Rosemary

It balances Vata and Kapha doshas but causes aggravation in Pitta dosha. Hence, it is not recommended for people with elevated Pitta. Rosemary oil relieves dandruff with its excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Not only this, it helps to get rid of microbial infections on your scalp too.

B. Cedarwood

This Vata and Kapha dosha balancing herb is well known to reduce your scalp inflammation, irritation, and redness caused by dandruff. Also, cedarwood oil acts as an effective antimicrobial agent.

C. Tea Tree

It is a tridosha hara herb which helps you in pacifying all three doshas. As an efficient antibacterial and antifungal agent, tea tree oil helps you control dandruff effectively. However, it is not much recommended if you have scalp sensitivities.

D. Peppermint

Besides having natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint oil helps in the absorption of excessive scalp oils, thus keeping dandruff aggravating microbes away from your scalp. Also, it works best to control your scalp itchiness and balances all the three doshas on your scalp.

E. Lavender

Though it is well known as Pitta and Kapha balancing herb, lavender oil[4] is also useful in calming down Vata dosha. With its extremely soothing and antimicrobial properties, lavender oil relieves you from dandruff and other microbial scalp infections effectively. Also, it is a safe option for people with scalp sensitivity.

Preparation Of Anti-dandruff Oil With Essential Oils

Mix 10-15 drops of any of the essential oils above based on your elevated doshas into a small cup of carrier oils such as jojoba, olive, or coconut oil. You can also use a combination of essential oils for your dandruff treatment.

3. Home-Made Oils

A. Tulsi Hair Oil

Tulsi or Indian basil helps pacify Vata and Kapha doshas but increases Pitta dosha. With rich amino acids and antioxidants that help in controlling dandruff, tulsi helps in preventing hair fall by improving your follicle strength.

How To Make Anti-dandruff Oil With Tulsi?

1. Prepare a thick paste by blending 2-3 bunches of tulsi leaves with a little amount of added water.

2. Add ½ cup of coconut oil to the paste and heat the mixture in a pan for about 5 minutes.

3. Now add 3 tsp of fenugreek seeds to the oil and let it cool down for a while.

4. Later, strain the oil and store it in a dark-colored glass bottle.

B. Aloe Vera Oil

Aloe vera is a tridosha hara and best suited for any type of dandruff. It has natural antipruritic properties that control itchiness on your scalp by wiping off the accumulated dead skin cells. Also, it clears excessive sebum from your scalp and helps you get rid of oily dandruff.

How To Make Anti-dandruff Oil With Aloe Vera?

1. Add ½ cup of freshly extracted aloe vera gel into ½ cup of heated coconut oil.

2. Now reheat the mixture for 5-7 minutes.

3. Allow it to cool down for a while and strain the oil later.

4. Store the oil in a glass container.

C. Neem Oil

ayurvedic neem oil in bottle

Neem pacifies your elevated Pitta and Kapha doshas but increases Vata dosha. It is very well known for its antifungal [5] and cooling properties, which helps to control your dandruff, scalp inflammation, itchiness, and redness efficiently.

How To Make Anti-dandruff Oil With Neem?

1. Grind 2-3 bunches of neem leaves into a fine paste.

2. Add it to a cup of coconut oil.

3. Heat the mixture for 5-10 minutes until the oil turns green.

4. Set the mixture aside for cooling and strain the oil later.

How Do You Use An Anti Dandruff Hair Oil?

You can use your anti-dandruff hair oil in place of your regular hair oil.

A. Massage your scalp roots and hair with an anti-dandruff oil for about 10-15 minutes.

B. Leave it for half an hour before having a gentle hair wash using an Ayurvedic shampoo.

C. You can also leave it overnight and wash it the next morning.

Dr. Zeel suggests to keep your anti-dandruff hair oil application regimen limited to twice or thrice a week based on your elevated doshas.

Vedix Tip: After a thorough oil massage, wrap your scalp and hair with a hot towel (dipped in hot water and squeezed to remove water) for about 15-20 minutes. This allows the oil to deeply penetrate into your scalp and hair.

Dos And Don'ts Of Oiling Your Hair


1. Warm the anti-dandruff oil a bit before using it. Applying lukewarm oil to your hair enhances its absorption into the roots.

2. Apply your anti-dandruff hair oil before shampooing.

3. Focus more on the scalp part while applying and massaging with anti-dandruff oil as it needs to be absorbed into your scalp tissues well.

4. Follow your oiling routine regularly without skipping.


1. Don’t comb your hair right after oiling your hair.

2. Don’t step out right after you have your oiled hair as it attracts dirt and grime from the environment.

3. Never use any other product such as dyes, hair sprays, or serums after you apply oil to your hair.

4. Avoid using too much oil for your scalp and hair. A thorough massage helps you to spread a little amount of oil across your scalp and hair lengths.

5. Don’t apply oil when your hair is wet.

Is Everyday Application Of Oil To Hair Good Or Bad?

Though oiling your hair with the right formulation based on your dosha levels keeps your hair and scalp healthy, it is not advisable to do it on a regular basis. Oiling your hair daily demands shampooing your hair daily, which can cause dryness of scalp and hair, especially in people with Vata dosha in dominance.

Also, oiling your hair every day may turn your hair sticky, leading to unnecessary scalp build-up caused by dust and dirt.

Important Note

Seek your doctor’s or Ayurvedic consultant’s advice before using any of the Ayurvedic or home made anti-dandruff hair oils mentioned in this article.

The Last Word

In Ayurveda, hair oiling has an extremely significant function in balancing your elevated doshas on your scalp. Doing it with anti-dandruff oils with dosha-specific ingredients not only clears your dandruff but also promotes healthy and stronger hair growth. At Vedix, we evaluate your current dosha levels and customize an Ayurvedic hair care regimen that addresses your unique hair problems by balancing your elevated doshas.

Know Your Dosha Now

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