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  5. How To Rejuvenate Dull Skin With Ayurveda?

While a dewy, luminous skin is desired by all, maintaining natural glow and radiance is not a simple task. Your skin continuously keeps shedding dead cells, and if the skin renewal process isn’t functioning properly, then your complexion may appear tired, unhealthy, and dull. Signs of premature aging like fine lines and wrinkles, become visible too.

But there is good news. There are numerous simple yet effective natural and ayurvedic ways to rejuvenate dull skin. Scroll down to know everything about dull skin, and how you can bring back the glow with natural remedies and ayurvedic therapies.

What Is Dull Skin?

Dull skin appears off-colour, flat, or lacklustre, and it may also feel uneven, rough, and dry to the touch. It happens when dead skin cells begin to accumulate on the surface of your skin, which may occur in any climate and for any age group.

Dull skin is a common skin condition for those in their 30’s or above. In your younger days, skin tends to naturally exfoliate once every fortnight. This means that a youthful, dewy, and fresh complexion is revealed when the uppermost layer of the dead skin cells is sloughed off, thus keeping the complexion glowing and healthy.

Skin also tends to become dull and lifeless when the oxygen supply and blood flow to the skin cells is minimized. This is a common occurrence among heavy smokers who usually develop dull, dry skin with wrinkles and fine lines.

“According to Ayurveda, karshnya of skin is caused by Vata Dosha aggravation," says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

What Does Dull Skin Look Like?

face of the girl with freckles and large pores

A few signs and symptoms of dull, pale skin include:

  • Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven, bumpy skin tone and texture
  • A lifeless, pigmented appearance
  • Loss of natural glow and radiance
  • Skin feels dry, stretched and dehydrated

Why Causes Your Skin To Look So Dull?

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Therefore, it is possible that your skin may sometimes be affected by various internal and external triggers. If you want to regain your skin’s natural glow and radiance, then it is important to know why your skin may have lost its sheen in the first place. The causes of dull skin include:

1. Accumulation Of Dead Skin Cells

Your skin naturally sheds thousands of lifeless skin cells every day, which slowly begin to accumulate on the upper layer of the skin. This layer of accumulated dead skin cells then inhibits your complexion from reflecting light, giving your skin a lifeless, dull appearance. With advancing age, the cell renewal process of your skin begins to decline, which increases the accumulation of these dead skin cells.

2. Free Radicals

The adverse effects of pollution don’t only impact your lungs, but also your skin’s health and appearance [1]. Sulphur dioxide, dust particles, and noxious gases in the polluted air give rise to free radicals in your skin. These harmful, unstable particles severely impact the cells in the human body. Free radicals overstimulate the production of pigments and damage the collagen fibers in your skin, making it look tired, lifeless, and dull.

3. Stress

When you experience high levels of stress, your body kicks in the survival mode. This re-channelizes blood flow from your skin to various other areas of the body, like the muscles and tissues. This also results in a dull, tired complexion.

4. Impaired Sleep

While sleeping and resting, skin has the time to repair, renew, and rejuvenate itself from deep within. This happens when there is an enhanced level of melatonin, lowered level of cortisol (stress hormone), and activation of human growth hormone (aids in tissue repair) in your skin. When you have a few sleepless nights in a row, there is a strong likelihood of fatigue signs to appear in your skin [2]. This in turn may give you a dull complexion.

5. Leaving Makeup Overnight

When you forget or skip removing makeup before sleeping at night, then you snatch away the opportunity of your skin from rejuvenating and repairing itself. This happens as your pores are unable to breathe freely. Keeping your makeup overnight may cause premature aging, irritation, and dull skin in the long run.

6. Skipping Exfoliation

Regular exfoliation helps slough off accumulated lifeless skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. If you do not exfoliate your skin at regular intervals, then it may also cause your skin to look tired and dull.

7. Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices

An unhealthy diet consisting mainly of processed and packaged foods which are high in unhealthy fats, salt, and sugar, excessive smoking, and lack of physical exercise may all lead to dull and lifeless skin.

  • Detoxifying your skin should become your highest skincare priority.
  • You can keep applying numerous skincare products like serums, balms, and creams, but if you have clogged pores, your skin will not show any real difference. Hence, it is important to deep-cleanse your skin regularly.

8. Dehydration

If you skip drinking adequate amounts of water, it will directly have an impact on your skin health and appearance. Studies have established a strong connection between the health of your skin and intake of water.

Drinking adequate amounts of water helps improve moisture and hydration beneath the surface of your skin. Additionally, using a hydrating facial sheet, mask, or serum helps retain moisture in the outer layer of the skin.

9. Skipping Moisturizer

Forgetting or skipping moisturizer, especially if you have dry skin, may impact the vitality and health of the skin. Application of a mild, herbal moisturizer at least twice every day may help nourish and hydrate your skin as well as shield the delicate outer layer of the skin.

10. Dry Complexion

Dry skin is more prone to become tired, lifeless, and dull, especially during the autumn and winter seasons. During this time, the air turns dry and cold which increases your likelihood of dull skin. Also, if the climatic condition is less humid, it may make your skin dull and lifeless.

11. Tobacco Use

Studies have established that smoking is one of the most common factors for dull skin and premature aging [3]. Smoking adversely impacts collagen production and damages the connective tissue and elastic fibers in the skin. Additionally, it may enhance the oxidative stress in the cells. The combined effect of all these factors may overstimulate the aging process in your skin, causing it to appear dull and fatigued.

12. Aging

Aging is an irreversible process of life and aging skin is a universal fact. Even though you may not be able to stop the natural event, you may switch to a specialized skincare regime which provides hydration and nourishment to your skin, keeping it vibrant and healthy.

How To Rejuvenate Dull Skin?

woman with natural homemade clay facial mask

A. Home Remedies For Dull Skin

1. Lemon & Sugar

Vitamin C in citrus fruits, including lemon, helps make your skin look bright, clear, and radiant. As it is a natural bleaching agent, lemon also helps in removing dark spots and tan. This makes it one of the most popular beauty tips for naturally glowing skin. The fine granulated sugar helps slough off the accumulated dead skin cells, as it acts as a natural exfoliant.


  • Two tbsp of granulated sugar
  • Two tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice

How To Use:

  • Mix the ingredients and gently apply the mask onto your face and neck.
  • Gently scrub your skin using small, circular motions.
  • Leave it for at least 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the steps at least twice a week for best results.

Important Note:

Always remember to apply your sunscreen before going outside, since this home remedy contains lemon which may make your skin photosensitive. Alternatively, you may use this home remedy in the evening time.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera helps naturally improve your skin complexion due to its healing and restorative properties [4]. It is a perfect ingredient for all skin types and is enriched with antioxidants and vitamins, making your skin glowing, soft, and healthy. Also, it helps in healing sunburns and skin irritation.


  • One tbsp of freshly extracted aloe gel
  • One tbsp of milk
  • One tbsp of honey
  • A small pinch of raw turmeric

How To Use:

  • Mix all the ingredients and apply it evenly on your face and neck.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
  • Pat your face dry with a soft washcloth and apply a mild, herbal moisturizer.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for best results.

3. Honey

Honey is a widely-used ingredient in numerous home remedies for skin, hair and health issues. Its soothing and humectant effects make it an effective remedy for dull and dry skin conditions. By deeply hydrating and moisturizing your skin, honey gives your skin a nourished, youthful appearance. It also helps prevent skin infections due to its potent antibacterial properties.


  • Two tbsp of pure honey

How To Use:

  • Clean your face and neck with a mild, herbal facial cleanser.
  • Apply the honey with a cotton ball on your face and neck.
  • Gently massage your skin with small, circular motions.
  • Leave it for at least 5 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the steps on alternate days for best results.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt has a high content of lactic acid which is beneficial for your skin’s health. It helps minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by deeply conditioning and moisturizing your skin. It also helps improve your skin’s elasticity.


  • One tbsp of gram flour
  • One tbsp of plain and fresh yogurt

How To Use:

  • Mix the ingredients and apply it onto your face and neck.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with normal water.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for desired results.

5. Cucumber

Cucumber is enriched with natural antioxidants which help revive and rejuvenate dull, dehydrated skin. It has a cooling effect on your skin and improves its texture, making your skin naturally glowing and healthy. It also helps in hydrating your skin, since the pH level of your skin is the same as cucumber.


  • One cup of freshly grated cucumber
  • Two tbsp of plain yogurt

How To Use:

  • Add the yogurt into the freshly grated cucumber and mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture evenly onto your face and neck.
  • Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat the steps 2-3 times a week for desired results.

6. Neem

Neem helps reduce spots, blemishes, and pigmentation in your skin, as it blocks the activity of tyrosinase [5]. When mixed with two other beneficial natural ingredients - honey and yogurt, it makes a wonderful home remedy for dull, lifeless skin.


  • One tbsp of pure honey
  • Two tbsp of plain yogurt
  • Half cup of fresh neem leaves

How To Use:

  • Rinse the neem leaves and blend to form a fine paste.
  • Add yogurt and honey into the neem paste and mix them well.
  • Apply the pack onto your face and neck.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with normal water.
  • Repeat the steps once a week for a brighter complexion.

7. Sugar Scrub

Sugar is a widely-used natural ingredient in several skincare remedies. It helps minimize the pore size by removing impurities and dead skin cells. It also helps to naturally exfoliate your skin’s outer layer, making it an effective remedy for dull skin.


  • One tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • One tbsp of pure honey
  • One tbsp of brown sugar

How To Use:

  • Cleanse your face properly before using the facial scrub.
  • Apply the scrub onto your face and neck before the sugar granules begin to liquefy.
  • Gently massage your skin in circular motions for at least 3-5 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the steps at least twice a week for best results.

B. Ayurveda For Dull Skin

As per the traditional and holistic science of Ayurveda, healthy, clear, and radiant skin is a true reflection of an individual's overall health. The ancient ayurvedic wisdom prescribes various skin care therapies and treatments as per each stage of the life cycle.

Ayurvedic herbs help purify your skin and reduce impaired tridoshas (humor) from your body. These doshas are primarily responsible for causing skin ailments and disorders. These herbs help you obtain a glowing complexion and healthy skin.

According to ayurveda, one of the primary factors responsible for skin deterioration is overlooking the specific needs of your body type. Each of us exhibits a specific and unique mind-body characteristic. This characteristic is determined by the variation of predominance of kapha, pitta, and vata doshas in the human body. Hence, paying close heed to the needs of your specific constitution plays an important role in maintaining glowing and radiant skin.

Vata dosha: Individuals with a dominant vata dosha exhibit vata-like qualities in their physiology. They will usually have a light frame, with dry, frizzy and thin hair. They have delicate and fine skin which tends to be dry, dull, and wrinkled in appearance.

If you have a vata skin type, then your beauty goal should be nourishment and hydration, from the inside out. Drink adequate amounts of water every day. Follow a diet of unctuous, sweet, and warm foods. Fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruits are highly beneficial for your skin type.

Pitta dosha: Individuals with a dominant pitta dosha have highly sensitive skin. They are more susceptible to freckles, age spots, and wrinkles due to sun exposure. They are also sensitive to harsh chemicals found in beauty and skin care products, which may lead to acne breakouts or skin rashes.

If you have a pitta skin type, then be extremely careful while choosing any beauty or skin care product. Always choose natural, mild, and herbal products which have no artificial fragrance, petrochemical derivative, and preservatives. Additionally, try to avoid direct sun exposure and eat regular meals containing juicy, sweet fruits and fresh vegetables. Avoid spicy, hot, and oily foods.

Kapha dosha: Individuals with a dominant kapha dosha usually age slower than the other two doshas. They have a thick skin, which prevents the onset of premature aging like wrinkles and fine lines. Their primary challenge is digestive issues, which tend to accumulate ama (toxins) in their system. This may impact the supply of essential nutrients to the skin, causing dull, rough, and oily skin with open pores.

If you have a kapha skin type, then you should always detoxify your skin at regular intervals. You can detoxify your skin by using natural and mild masks and scrubs. Do regular exercise as it helps to naturally detoxify your skin as well as prevents lethargy. Don’t have sweet, cold, and heavy foods as they aren’t easily digestible and pile up as toxic ama in your body.

1. Ubtan

ayurvedic cosmetic ubtan for face

How To Make:

  • Grind one cup of chickpea flour or split red lentils, 8-9 almonds, and half a cup of raw rice either together or separately in a mortar and pestle or blender.
  • Add to this, half a cup of oatmeal and a small pinch of raw turmeric.
  • Mix all the ingredients well and add rose water or plain water to make a smooth paste.

How To Apply:

  • Apply the fine paste onto your face and neck evenly.
  • Alternatively, you may also apply the paste on your body.
  • Leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with normal water.
  • Repeat the steps once every 10 days.

Why It Works:

  • Ubtan is a traditional, ayurvedic remedy which has been used since ancient times. The oatmeal, rice, and lentils help remove impurities and dead skin cells from your skin.
  • Turmeric helps in minimizing scars and blemishes, giving you a glowing complexion.
  • Almonds help in deeply nourishing and hydrating your skin from within.

2. Coconut Oil

How To Make:

  • Pour some pure coconut oil in a bowl and gently heat it.
  • Add a few sugar granules into the oil to exfoliate the skin.

How To Apply:

  • Gently apply the coconut oil onto your face and neck.
  • Massage your skin in circular motions.
  • Leave the oil overnight.
  • Repeat the steps every night before sleeping.
  • If you want to exfoliate your skin, then you may add some sugar granules into the oil and gently scrub your skin once a week.

Why It Works:

  • It is an effective remedy for dull and dry skin as the coconut oil retains the moisture and hydration in the skin.
  • Coconut oil deeply nourishes your skin with beneficial fatty acids.
  • Coconut oil gives you a radiant complexion as it contains phenolic substances which act as antioxidants.

3. Bitter Gourd Juice

How To Make:

  • Take a few bitter gourds, peel the skin, and take out the seeds.
  • Rinse them properly with water.
  • Cut small pieces of bitter gourd and blend.
  • Add black pepper, salt, and lemon juice as per your taste.

When To Drink:

  • Drink the fresh juice every day or on alternate days, early in the morning.

Why It Works:

  • Bitter gourd is efficient in improving your digestive system and function.
  • It also helps fight all types of infections.
  • It naturally improves your complexion by purifying the blood.

4. Sandalwood Powder

Sandalwood is renowned for its calming fragrance which is also popularly known as ‘the scent of paradise’. It induces placidity and tranquility of the mind and is a wonderful remedy for youthful, firm, and supple skin [6].

How To Make:

  • Add rose water into two tsps of sandalwood powder.
  • Mix the ingredients well to form a smooth paste.

How To Apply:

  • Apply the mask onto your face and neck evenly.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rising with normal water.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for best results.

Why It Works:

  • The antimicrobial properties of sandalwood inhibit sores, acne, and pimples from appearing on your skin.
  • Known as an excellent blood purifier, sandalwood helps in reducing dark spots and pigmentation.

5. Kumkumadi Oil

Kumkumadi oil is prepared from 16 different oils and ayurvedic herbs. It is a renowned ayurvedic formulation for radiant and glowing skin. The primary name kumkumadi is derived from one of its main ingredients - saffron which is also called Kumkuma in Sanskrit.

How To Make:

  • The process of formulating kumkumadi oil is not easy as it needs various ayurvedic ingredients which must be used in exact quantities.
  • Hence, you can invest in buying the oil from an authentic ayurvedic brand or store.

How To Apply:

  • Take at least 1-2 drops of Kumkumadi oil in your palm and apply it all over your face and neck.
  • Gently massage the oil onto your skin till it is fully absorbed.

Why It Works:

  • The potent oil works wonders for your skin by brightening dull skin, improving your skin texture, and lightening your complexion.

6. Honey & Saffron Mask

Saffron is known as the most expensive and rare spice around the globe. It is a renowned ayurvedic herb which nourishes your skin [7], helps balance the three doshas, and clears your skin from any blemishes.

How To Make:

  • Take one or two strands of saffron and soak it in one tbsp of pure honey.
  • Leave it aside for a few minutes.

How To Apply:

  • Gently apply the mixture onto your face and neck.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with normal water.
  • Repeat the steps 3-4 times a week for best results.

Why It Works:

  • Saffron is a traditional herb used for clear, radiant, and healthy skin.
  • The antioxidant properties of saffron helps to prevent sun damage to your skin.

C. What To Eat

Your skin is the true reflection of what you eat and think. Sallow skin, patches, eruptions, blemishes, and acne are mostly linked with unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices. These lead to toxin accumulation in the body. Hence, it is imperative to follow a healthy diet which ensures that your digestive system is efficient. Also, it is important to supplement your diet with beneficial herbs which help keep your skin youthful, healthy, radiant, and flawless.

You should choose foods which are beneficial for your individual body type based on the season and climatic conditions. Eat small, frequent meals which aren’t heavy. Choose wholesome, seasonal, and fresh foods.

Below are a few dietary suggestions which will help you keep your gut clean and healthy, leading to glowing, flawless complexion:

1. Drink Lemon Water

Begin your day with a cup of warm water mixed with freshly extracted juice of half a lemon. Due to its antibacterial properties, lemon helps in flushing out toxins from your body. If you have an oily complexion, then try drinking a second cup of warm water with lemon before having lunch. Pitta and vata dominant individuals may begin their day with a few soaked raisins, as it boosts regularity.

2. Spice Or Herb Tea

Try to have herb or spice tea twice a day. You may choose from cinnamon, rosehips, cardamom, aniseed, ginger root, cumin, mint, and fennel. A few ayurvedic herbs popularly used for their cleansing activity include marshmallow root, manjistha, turmeric, and neem. These potent herbs cleanse the blood and provide support to the liver for flushing out toxins from your system.

3. Fresh, Seasonal Vegetables

Include a single portion of fresh vegetable salad at lunch. You may grate or finely chop them. Choose vegetables with high-water content as they are easy to digest like fennel bulbs, daikon radish, cucumber, carrot, and lettuce. All these vegetables are tridoshic in nature, which signifies that they are beneficial for all skin types.

Cruciferous vegetables are skin-friendly and purifying, but difficult to digest. Hence, they should be parboiled or steamed before consumption. If you have a dominant vata skin type, then limit eating these vegetables. For kapha and pitta skin, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli can be parboiled or steamed as a hot salad for lunch.

4. Dry-Roasted Seeds

Seeds are enriched with essential oils and nutrients which are beneficial for your skin health. They are suggested for all skin types as they offer natural lubrication. Sunflower seeds, melon seeds, or sesame seeds may be dry-roasted and used as a dressing for soups and salads.

Vedix Tip: Dry-roasted seeds should be consumed in moderation by individuals with kapha skin type.

5. Healthy Oils

Avoid foods which have trans fats and choose skin benefiting oils. Bad fats can cause a shallow appearance with breakouts and enlarged pores, whereas healthy oils may enhance skin luminescence, clarity, and health. This is more visible in vata skin type, which is normally rough and dry. Ayurveda suggests regular consumption of ghee as it is extremely beneficial for your skin health. Walnut, sesame, or olive oils are some of the suitable choices.

“Saffron tea is excellent to promote skin radiance. Just add a few strands of saffron to warm water, let it steep and drink,” says Dr. Zeel.

How To Prevent Dull Skin?

dull skin and bright skin comparison of woman’s face

It is normal to experience dull, fatigued, and lifeless skin at times. However, if you have noticed dull skin for a longer duration, then you can adopt a few preventive measures to improve your skin health and appearance. These preventive steps include:

1. Be Gentle With Your Skin

Ensure that you have removed impurities and makeup from your face at the end of the day. Avoid using drying soaps and harsh scrubs which may lead to flaky skin, tightness, redness, tiny tears, and irritation. Opt for a cleansing oil to remove your sunscreen and makeup without affecting the outermost layer of the skin. Follow it up with a mild, herbal facial cleanser to remove the oil.

2. Stop Using Hot Water

Being gentle with your skin also includes not using harsh soaps and hot water as it strips the natural oils from your face, making your skin irritated and dry. It may also inflame your skin. Switch to using lukewarm water while washing your face. Choose a moisturizing face wash which contains almond oil, shea butter, or coconut oil to retain hydration in your skin.

3. Exfoliate Your Skin

Regular exfoliation is an important step in any skincare routine for a glowing complexion. It helps slough off the dead skin cells, thereby exposing a new layer of skin. This layer is ready to retain hydration which helps to make your skin healthy, smooth, and youthful. It also helps in cell turnover as well as stimulates collagen production in your skin.

Consider exfoliating your skin twice a week. Be careful if your skin is irritated, broken, or extremely dry. Always moisturize your skin after exfoliation as it helps to lock in hydration and shield the new skin layer from any damage.

4. Include A Facial Serum

Facial serums contain concentrated ingredients which help minimize early signs of aging, improve hydration, and illuminate your complexion. As serums are quickly absorbed by your skin, you may apply them at least twice a day after washing your face.

You may look for ingredients such as:

  • Resveratrol
  • Ferulic acid
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin C
  • Hyaluronic acid

All these ingredients are potent antioxidants which shield your skin from free radical damage. Vitamin C also minimizes dark spots and hyperpigmentation, making your skin even-toned and blemish-free. Hyaluronic acid helps hydrate your skin from deep within.

5. Wear A Face Mask

Show some TLC to your skin by wearing a weekly face mask for quick glow and shine. Choose masks which contain active ingredients such as:

  • Shea butter
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Antioxidants
  • Essential oils

6. Use A Moisturizer

It is essential to moisturize your skin at least twice a day with a suitable product as per your skin type. This helps prevent skin issues like dermatitis and maintain good skin health. It helps protect and repair the skin barrier as well as retain hydration in the epidermis layer, making your skin look plum. It also prevents loss of moisture from your skin.

Important Note:

Look for ingredients like glycerine, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides in your moisturizer.

7. Boost Collagen Production With Retinoids

Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A, and are proven to boost collagen production as well as regulate cell turnover in your skin. They help to exfoliate dead skin cells, making way for fresh, new cells in the outer layer of the skin. They also help in thinning out and smoothing down the epidermal skin layer, making your skin even-toned, smooth, and glowing. You may use a retinoid treatment twice a week at night.

8. Wear Your Sunscreen

One of the most important skin care tips for glowing skin is wearing sunscreen every day. It helps shield your skin from UV A and B rays which may cause dull, rough texture, age spots, and pigmentation.

IThe Last Word

Dull skin can be caused by your lifestyle and dietary choices, dehydration, and inappropriate skin care regime. The good news is there are simple yet effective steps you can take to improve your skin’s health and radiance. Cleansing and exfoliating your skin, hydrating your skin with a suitable moisturizer, and following home remedies and ayurvedic treatments may help you achieve a natural and vibrant glow.

Taking good care of your skin is imperative to achieve a healthy and glowing complexion. Hence, ensure that you follow all the suggested tips in your beauty and skin care goals to prevent dull skin.

Know Your Dosha Now

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