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  5. How To Clean Your Nose Pores With Natural Remedies?

Are you searching for a quick and natural fix to resolve the large unsightly pores and blackheads in your nose? Are these clogged pores on your nose causing you discomfort? Then it’s time to address your woes by following natural and Ayurvedic remedies to clean large, clogged pores on your nose.

Nose pores are the openings on your nose, where the sebum glands secrete and spread natural oils. The size of skin pores varies, and the pores located on the nose are relatively larger than the pores located in other parts of your body.

Scroll down to know the causes of large nose pores, and how to cleanse nose pores using natural methods and Ayurvedic remedies.

What Are Nose Pores?

Nose pores are small openings for the hair follicles in your skin. These hair follicles are further attached with the sebaceous glands, which secrete a natural emollient called sebum. It helps in naturally moisturizing and nourishing your skin.

The pores in your skin are different in size [1], and nose pores are naturally larger than the pores located elsewhere in your skin. This difference in pore size is due to the sebaceous glands which are present beneath the nose pores, and are equally large in size.

The pore size also enlarges if you have an oily complexion. Additionally, genetics also plays a key role in determining pore size.

There’s nothing concrete you can do to reduce the enlarged pores on your nose. However, there are tricks to help make them look smaller.

The pores on your skin don’t close and open! They only dilate to stretch or narrow down.

What Causes Large Nose Pores?

many blackhead pimples on the nose

Various factors may cause nose pores to appear stretched, large, or more visible. In most cases, the small dots spread on your nose are not whiteheads or blackheads, and don’t require exfoliation. Genetics, blocked pores, and issues like hormonal changes or acne may cause the pores to appear large. Even your lifestyle choices may influence the visibility of nose pores.

The causes of large, open pores may differ from one individual to another. These factors include:

1. Genetics

Your genes may determine the size of your skin pores, including your nose. A few individuals have enlarged pores due to their skin complexion and specific characteristics.

2. Oily Complexion

People with oily complexion are prone to excess sebum production in their skin pores. This excess sebum [2] then blocks the pores, making them more prominent. Also, excess sebum in your skin may extend and stretch the skin pores.

3. Dry Skin

People with dry complexion may also experience stretched, large pores in their nose. This happens when your body reacts to skin dryness by producing and secreting excess sebum.

4. Absence Of Skin Exfoliation

Regular scrubbing and exfoliation of your skin helps in removing accumulated oil, debris, and dead skin cells. When you don’t exfoliate your skin at regular intervals, it may clog your skin pores and lead to open, stretched pores.

5. Hot & Humid Weather

Warm and humid weather may also make skin pores appear large and stretched. This weather condition makes pores more prominent.

6. Extreme Sun Exposure

The UV A and B rays of sunlight may damage your skin beyond repair, especially if you skip wearing a sunscreen. The damage from UV rays may also lead to early signs of aging, which affects the collagen in your skin and makes pores more visible.

7. Poor Skincare Regime

Individuals who don’t have a regular skincare regime as per their skin type and specific needs are more susceptible to have accumulated dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess sebum in their skin pores.

8. Acne

Skin conditions like acne occur when excess sebum, debris, and dead skin cells block the hair follicles within the pores. This may cause the pores to look large and stretched.

Following remedies and treatments to manage your acne breakouts may help lower the chances of clogged nose pores.

9. Stress & Hormonal Fluctuations

Factors like significant stress levels and hormonal imbalances may affect your skin’s sebum production as well as overall complexion. Stress and hormonal fluctuations may also contribute to various other causes of enlarged nose pores like acne breakouts.

10. Diet

Diet plays an essential role in your overall health and well-being. It also influences your skin’s appearance and health. By following a nutritious diet devoid of junk and oily food, fats, and sweetened products, you may ensure that your skin naturally stays supple, healthy, and beautiful. A few food allergies and intolerances may also impact your skin health.

“Skin pores are very sensitive to heat, so hot climates, hot spices in diet and even Pitta prakriti can stimulate skin pores,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

Your periods can affect your pore size. Hormonal fluctuations during your menstrual cycles impacts your pore size.

How To Clean Nose Pores?

woman with cleansing facial strip on nose

Let’s understand how you can deeply cleanse your nose pores by following natural ways, Ayurvedic remedies, and home remedies.

A. Natural Ways To Clean Nose Pores

The important first step to clean nose pores is to ensure that they’re clear of blockages. Makeup, debris, and natural oils can cause blocked nose pores.

1. Clean Your Face Twice A Day

Cleansing your face with a mild, herbal facial cleanser removes bacteria, dirt, oil, as well as any makeup residue from your skin pores. For best results, you should cleanse your face twice a day. If you tend to sweat profusely post workout, then you may have to cleanse your face once again.

Oily and combination skin types are cleansed effectively with a mild facial cleanser which is either cream or gel-based. Both types of facial cleansers cleanse your nose pores without aggravating or irritating your skin.

2. Exfoliate To Remove Dirt, Excess Sebum, & Dead Skin Cells

Use a mild exfoliator around 2-3 times a week to remove accumulated dead skin cells, excess sebum, and debris which may be blocking your nose pores. The rule of thumb is to gently massage the exfoliator onto your face, especially your nose. Avoid aggressively scrubbing and exfoliating, as it may further irritate and damage your skin.

3. Use A Suitable Moisturizer

Even though your nose pores may secrete excess sebum, it is still important to apply a moisturizer after cleansing your face. This step ensures that your skin is naturally nourished, and is not excessively dry after cleansing. Excessive dryness may worsen your skin condition. Always opt for a gel or water-based moisturizer which doesn’t block your pores.

4. Essential Oils For Rejuvenation

A few essential oils are known for their cleansing and soothing properties [3]. These include:

A. Clary Sage

Clary sage is best known for its soothing, calming, and cooling sensation. The flowering herb also helps clear blocked pores and calm inflamed skin regions which are susceptible to blackheads.

B. Eucalyptus

The potent flowering tree is well-known for balancing your skin’s excess oil secretion and preventing the appearance of blackheads. You may add a few drops of the essential oil in your favourite moisturizing or cleansing cream. Additionally, you may also make a facial scrub containing raw almonds, white clay, oatmeal, and a few drops of eucalyptus and lavender essential oils.

C. Tea Tree Oil

One of the most potent and popular essential oils, tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that tea tree oil is capable of minimizing skin lesions and scars when used in any acne treatment plan. As acne and blackheads are mostly linked with a specific bacterial strain, P. acnes, the antibacterial property of tea tree oil can be beneficial for treating blackheads.

Vedix Tip: Before using any essential oil on your skin, it is advised to test the diluted essential oil on your inner forearm and leave it for 24 hours to observe any adverse skin reaction.


B. Ayurvedic Remedies To Clean Nose Pores

The chin, forehead, and nose have the highest cluster of sebum glands on your face. Additionally, high stress levels and adolescence often lead to acne breakouts.

According to Ayurvedic excerpts, your forehead is also associated with your digestive system, nervous system, and Vata dosha (which oversees the overall movement of your body). Hence, bowel congestion, improper circulation, internal dryness, and stress can be the causes of acne, clogged pores, and blackheads.

  • The best Ayurvedic practice for clear and glowing skin is drinking adequate water and consuming clean, fresh, and unprocessed foods such as leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits. Minimizing the daily fat intake in your diet from hydrogenated cooking oils and dairy products can help too.
  • Ayurveda also recommends consuming probiotics and digestive enzymes as well as practicing deep breathing, meditation, and yoga for balancing your nervous system.
  • Blemishes on your nose may signify blood pressure or circulatory issues. If this is the causative agent, then it is advised to minimize your daily intake of coffee, alcohol, meats, pungent and spicy foods.
  • Simultaneously, increase your daily intake of beneficial omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, olive oil, avocado, and flax seeds.

A few Ayurvedic herbs which are considered beneficial for treating clogged pores, acne, and blemishes include:

1. Tulsi

In Ayurveda, tulsi is well-known for its medicinal value. A potent herb, tulsi is effective in naturally treating pimples, acne, and other skin blemishes without any adverse side effects.

How To Use Tulsi:

  • Gently massage your face, especially your nose with freshly extracted tulsi juice.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with normal water.

2. Amla

Amla is extremely beneficial in treating and healing all types of skin conditions [4]. The powerful berries are effective in preventing blemishes and scars, eliminating acne-causing bacteria, and reducing excess sebum secretion.

How To Use Amla:

  • Apply a thick paste of amla onto your face.
  • Leave it to dry for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with normal water.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is a renowned antifungal and antibacterial herb which deeply cleanses your skin and prevents acne breakouts.

How To Use Turmeric:

  • Apply a thick paste of freshly grounded turmeric onto your face.
  • Leave it for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

4. Neem

Neem is one of the most potent and popular Ayurvedic herbs for treating various skin issues. The leaves of neem also help in clearing whiteheads and blackheads.

How To Use Neem:

  • Apply a thick paste of fresh neem leaves onto your face.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with water.

5. Triphala

An acclaimed and time-tested Ayurvedic rasayana, triphala offers a multitude of health and skin benefits [5]. It helps in treating acne breakouts, eliminates harmful bacteria, and cleanses your whole system.

How To Use Triphala:

  • Mix one tsp of triphala in lukewarm water.
  • Drink the Ayurvedic concoction on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Follow this step daily for best results.

C. Home Remedies To Clean Nose Pores

A few simple yet effective home remedies also help in cleansing your nose pores. These include:

1. Honey

Honey has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties which help reduce blackheads by removing impurities, excess sebum, and microbes which clog pores.

How To Use Honey:

  • Heat one tbsp of raw, pure honey in a bowl to make it warm.
  • Apply the warm honey onto the affected regions, especially on blackheads.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes before gently wiping off with a damp, warm washcloth.
  • You may also leave the honey overnight for better results, washing it off next morning.
  • Repeat the steps daily for improved results.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is considered one of the best treatments for blackheads and acne breakouts. It is a widely used ingredient in several home remedies to treat many skin conditions and issues.

How To Use Baking Soda:

  • Mix two tbsp of baking soda with one tbsp of water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste onto your face, especially the affected spots.
  • Gently massage it onto your skin for a few minutes.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for best results.

3. Mint Juice & Turmeric

Turmeric is a potent root which offers a plethora of health and skin benefits [6]. Curcumin, the primary component of turmeric, is an antifungal and antibacterial agent which eliminates microbes present in your pores. Additionally, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric naturally improves the health, texture, and complexion of your skin. On the other hand, mint soothes and calms your skin due to its cooling property.

How To Use Mint Juice & Turmeric:

  • Mix one tbsp of freshly extracted mint juice with two tbsp of turmeric powder to form a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste onto your face, especially on your nose.
  • Leave it for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off with normal water.
  • Apply a mild, herbal moisturizer after rinsing your face.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for best results.

4. Cinnamon & Honey

The antimicrobial activity of honey helps in eliminating acne-causing bacteria as well as removing any blockage from your pores. On the other hand, cinnamon helps in better circulation which gives you a naturally glowing, healthy, and smooth skin.

How To Use Cinnamon & Honey:

  • Mix one tsp of pure, raw honey with one tsp of cinnamon powder to form a thick paste.
  • Apply a thin layer of the paste onto the affected areas, especially on the blackheads.
  • To remove debris, excess sebum, and blackheads, gently press and position a clean cotton strip onto your nose.
  • Leave it for 2-3 minutes and peel off the cotton strip.
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  • Apply a mild, herbal moisturizer after rinsing your face.
  • Repeat the steps once a week for best results.

5. Lemon Juice

Freshly extracted lemon juice is an effective remedy in removing blackheads and unclogging pores. Also, as a rich source of Vitamin C (an antioxidant), lemon juice promotes collagen production in your skin.

How To Use Lemon Juice:

  • Mix half tbsp of freshly extracted lemon juice with one tbsp of salt and water to form a solution.
  • Apply the solution onto your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.
  • Apply a mild, herbal moisturizer after rinsing your face.
  • Repeat the steps twice a week for best results.

Is It Bad To Squeeze Nose Pores?

a woman with beautiful skin is pointing at her nose

  • Avoid squeezing or continuously touching your nose pores as it may adversely impact your skin tissue or lead to a skin infection.
  • Popping or squeezing pimples or blackheads on your nose may adversely affect your pores. This makes them appear large and prominent.
  • Once your pores are affected and damaged, then it is difficult to shrink them to their normal size without further treatments. Even professional treatments may not work effectively.

Does Your Nose Get Bigger If You Squeeze It?

No, your nose pores don’t enlarge or stretch when squeezed. But, if you continuously keep squeezing your nose pores on a daily basis, then the soft skin tissue in your nose may temporarily swell up.

What Is The White Substance In Your Nose Pores?

The white substance which lies underneath your pores comes out as thin strands when you forcibly squeeze your nose. This white substance is known as sebaceous filament. This is primarily made up of accumulated dead skin cells and sebum.

Sebaceous filament usually collects in the pores around your chin and nose, as the pores in these areas are larger. Also, the sebum accumulates in the pore lining till it is squeezed out.

The Last Word

Your skin complexion, lifestyle choices, and genetics may determine the pore size of your skin. A few additional conditions may also influence your pore size, and effectively regulating these conditions may minimize the occurrence of enlarged nose pores.

A good skincare routine focusing on cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin greatly helps in minimizing the appearance of stretched pores.

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