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  5. Top 10 Benefits Of Yashtimadhu For Skin & How To Use It

Do you know what amazing benefits yashtimadhu offers to your skin? One of the most popular condiments or a flavoring agent in Indian cuisine, yashtimadhu, has been an integral part of Indian home remedies for healthy skin since ancient times.

Let’s dig in to understand what makes yashtimadhu a wonderful herb for your skin, its benefits, ways to use, recommended dosages, and side effects.

Our Ayurvedic Doctor Speaks

‘’Yashtimadhu, balances both Vata and Pitta dosha along with having a renowned Medhya (Brain tonic) Rasayana effect.’’

-Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor, Vedix

Is Yashtimadhu Good For Skin?

Yashtimadhu or licorice is the root of a famous plant called Glycyrrhiza Glabra, which is known for its skin lightening and healing properties. Since ancient times, both the root and stem parts of yashtimadhu have been popularly used in both traditional medicines as well as home remedies for skin treatments.

“Yashtimadhu is the most recurring herb in the Dravya Vargas described by Charakacharya. This confirms the strength and value of this wonder herb. Yashtimadhu, balances both Vata and Pitta dosha along with having a renowned Medhya (Brain tonic) Rasayana effect,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

A. In the context of skin benefits, yashtimadhu is,

B. Varnya: Corrects color and boosts complexion.

C. Rasayani: Helps the skin's immune functions.

D. Vrana - Paha: Helps heal damaged skin.

E. Shotha Paha: Relieves inflammation.

F. Balya: Tones and firms the skin.

G. Trishna Paha: Balances skin hydration.

H. Glani Paha: Relieves tired-looking skin.

Be it pigmentation, dark spots, dark circles, and other blemishes, yashtimadhu can be your most effective natural treatment. Yashtimadhu is rich in glabridin, liquiritin, isoliquertin, vitamin-B & E, calcium, antioxidants, protein, glycyrrhizin acid [1], and antibiotics, which help your skin heal from a variety of skin conditions. It is a rich source of antioxidants which help in eliminating the free radicals and control the oxidative damage in your skin.

What Are The Benefits/Uses Of Yashtimadhu For Skin?

1. Prevents Sun Damage On Your Skin

Your skin develops age spots and dark spots when it's overexposed to the sun. Yashtimadhu can help in treating these sunspots quickly and give your skin an even-looking tone. Glabridin in yashtimadhu is especially effective in treating sunburns on your skin. Your skin color can be restored by applying a licorice-based pack on your skin after prolonged sun exposure.

Yashtimadhu also contains enzymes that can block UV radiation [2] naturally and prevent sun damage on your skin in the future.

2. Brightens Your Skin

Licorice can regulate the melanin levels in your skin and help resolve the hyperpigmentation problems [3]. It is a great natural alternative to hydroquinone, a chemical that is prominently used in hyperpigmentation treatment. Also, it is one of the effective herbs used to treat melasma. Besides, it gives your skin a softer texture and natural glow.

3. Reduces Wrinkles

With rich antioxidants, yashtimadhu can help you reverse the premature-aging signs in your skin caused by stress and other environmental aggressors. It not only helps in controlling the wrinkles but also protects your skin from heat damage.

4. Treats Dark Scars

Often, acne or injuries leave dark scars on your skin which may take a longer time to heal. Yashtimadhu promotes faster healing of your skin and minimizes the scars by blocking the melanin production in a specific area of your skin.

before and after dark scars treatment

5. Resolves Skin Conditions

Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. can leave scaly patches on your skin. Licorice contains natural anti-inflammatory agents that help in controlling itching, burning sensation, or swelling in the affected area of your skin.

6. Soothes Inflammation

From bug bites to poison ivy, many environmental factors can irritate your skin, resulting in swollen, itchy, red spots. Licorice with its glycyrrhizin content provides a soothing effect on your skin while controlling inflammation and redness.

7. Tightens Skin

Licorice can help your skin regenerate its lost collagen and elasticity. The amino acids present in licorice provide deep hydration and moisturization to your skin, making it feel super smooth and baby soft.

8. Controls Acne

Licorice controls excessive oil production in the skin which is an underlying factor that causes acne on your skin. Also, it is very effective in treating the signs of acne rosacea [4] such as patchy skin, flushed red face, etc.

9. Treats Athlete's Foot

An athlete’s foot is a fungal infection on your foot, resulting in an itchy, scaly rash with a burning sensation. The topical application of yashtimadhu can help you control the symptoms of the Athlete’s foot and resolve the condition.

10. Heal Wounds and Skin Infections

With natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties, licorice can be your ideal choice for wound cleaning. It also helps in controlling the swelling and redness caused by various infections [5]. It promotes faster recovery from wounds and infections by fighting the bacterial growth on your skin.

Yashtimadhu is a Sanskrit word for licorice plant. ‘Yashti’ refers to ‘wood’ and ‘Madhu refers to ‘honey’, altogether making the herb ‘honey-like wood’. Though yashtimadhu is 40-50 times sweeter than the processed sugar, it is an effective remedy for diabetes.

How To Use Licorice Powder (Yashtimadhu) For Skin Lightening?

1. Mulethi With Milk

Add 1 spoon of licorice powder, 1/4th spoon of turmeric, and 1 spoon of jaggery powder to 1 glass of milk. Boil the milk and sieve it. Drink this licorice milk warm for half an hour before going to bed.

2. Licorice Tea

Add a spoon of licorice powder to 2 cups of water. Add 1/2 spoon of turmeric, 1 spoon of grated ginger, and 6-8 basil leaves to the water. Boil the water on a low flame until it becomes half. Once done, strain it and add a spoon of honey to the tea. Drink this herbal tea first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

3. Licorice Ladoo

Grind 1 cup of cashews, 1 cup of almonds, 1 cup of walnuts, and 1/2 cup of raisins into small pieces. Add 1/2 cup of almond flour and 2-5 spoons of licorice powder to the dry fruit mixture. Now, add sufficient honey to the mixture to form a soft dough. Prepare ladoos from the dough and store them in an airtight glass container. You can have one licorice ladoo every day after lunch.

dryfruit and cocnut ladoo

4. Licorice Face Packs

A. Licorice + Sandalwood For Skin Pigmentation

Prepare a pack by mixing 1 spoon of licorice powder, 1/2 spoon of sandalwood powder, 1 spoon of lemon juice, and 1 spoon of fresh aloe vera gel. Apply it on your face and leave it for half an hour before rinsing it off. This remedy is best for people with oily skin (Pitta and Kapha dominant).

Vedix Tip: If you are Vata dominant or have dry skin, add 5-10 drops of kumkumadi tailam to the yashtimadhu face packs before application.

B. Licorice + Turmeric For Acne Scars

Mix licorice powder, turmeric powder, and rice flour in equal amounts. Add half a spoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Now, add a sufficient amount of rose water to the mixture to form a smooth paste. Apply this pack to your face to treat acne scars.

C. Licorice + Honey For Uneven Skin Tone

Add a sufficient amount of raw honey to 2-3 spoons of licorice powder to form a paste. Apply it as a regular face mask to bring an even tone throughout your face.

How To Prepare Yashtimadhu Powder At Home?

  • Take 20-25 roots of licorice plant and clean them properly using water to remove soil and other dust particles.
  • Now, cut the roots into smaller pieces and let them dry under the sun for a week.
  • After the roots are completely dry, grind them into a fine powder.
  • Now, let the powder get air-dried for a day or two.
  • Then, sieve the powder to filter out any impurities left and store the licorice powder in an airtight glass container.

What Are The Side Effects Of Yashtimadhu?

Some of the common side effects of yashtimadhu that are mostly noticed in people with hypertension are:

  • Fluid retention
  • High sodium levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Hypertension
  • Low potassium in the blood
  • Bloating

Although these side effects are rare, you can notice them only when you take yashtimadhu consistently for several months. In most cases, side effects occur when you consume more than 10gms of yashtimadhu per day. However, these side effects subside naturally within 3-4 weeks after you stop consuming yashtimadhu. “Pregnant women are advised not to take yashtimadhu,’’ says Dr. Zeel.

Contraindications For The Usage Of Yashtimadhu

People with the following conditions are strictly advised not to use yashtimadhu:

  • Pregnancy
  • High blood pressure or those who are using hypertensive drugs
  • Loss of libido
  • Hypertonia
  • Hypertension encephalopathy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hypokalemia (low potassium)
  • Fluid retention
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Kidney disease (unless high potassium)
  • Lower sugar levels in blood

Frequently Asked Questions About Yashtimadhu

1. How Long Does It Take For Licorice To Lighten Skin?

In general, it may take up to 3-6 months for dark spots and blemishes to fade away completely with the regular usage of licorice.

2. Can We Take Yashtimadhu Daily?

It is safe to take yashtimadhu daily when consumed in the right proportions. According to Dr. Zeel, the daily dosage of yashtimadhu should not exceed 10 grams. The best way is to take it in the form of herbal tea every morning.

3. Are Mulethi And Yashtimadhu The Same?

Yes. Yashtimadhu is a perennial herb found in Asia and Europe. While it is called licorice or sweetwood in English, it is called ‘mulethi’ in Hindi language.

The Last Word

Your skin gets constantly exposed to pollution, UV radiation, and other free radicals that cause damage over time. Hence, it’s essential for you to have a proper skincare routine in place. Make sure to include herbs such as yashtimadhu or licorice to revive your skin’s health naturally. By taking in the proper dosages, you can reap countless benefits of yashtimadhu for your skin while preventing any of the side effects.

At Vedix, we customize an Ayurvedic skincare routine for your unique skin needs with specific herbs that balance your elevated doshas.

Know Your Dosha Now

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